“Envision a region of damp, rocky, rolling hills attacked by winds, obscured by fogs, and covered by large patches of grass and heather: ‘a perfect misanthrope’s Heaven.’… The soil supports very little life due to its high acid content, killing off most vegetation and rendering it largely barren; what trees may grow are often twisted and set at awkward angles by the violent winds. The setting perfectly supports the many dark, mysterious, deadly, and haunting aspects of this gothic novel.” -From Marcus Schwager’s guide
Look Inside the Guide
The Canon Classics Worldview Guides provide an aesthetic and thematic Christian perspective on the most definitive and daunting works of Western Literature. The Worldview Guides focus on the big picture (both the good and the bad) without neglecting the details. Each Worldview Guide is a friendly literary coach—and a treasure map, and a compass, and a key—to help teachers, parents, and students appreciate, critique, and master the classics.
The bite-size WGs are divided into these ten sections (with some variation due to genre): Introduction, The World Around, About the Author, What Other Notables Said, Setting, Characters, & Argument, Worldview Analysis, Quotables, 21 Significant Questions & Answers, and Further Discussion & Review.
A free classics test and answer key are also available here.
IMPRINT: Canon Classics Literature Series
AUTHOR: Marcus Schwager
SIZE: 5×8″
ISBN 10: 1947644304
ISBN-13: 9781947644304
PUB. DATE: May 8, 2019
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