Face the beast. Learn its grammatical wiles. Master the kraken.
Students in the logic stage (grades 6-8) are no longer content just to memorize chants and vocabulary—they are ready to master the systems that make Latin the most approachable of the classical languages, and to dive into the stories that make it the most legendary language.
Kraken Latin 1 contains thirty-two weeks’ worth of grammar lessons on all the indicative tenses, demonstratives, and personal pronouns, weekly worksheets and readings, English-to-Latin and Latin-to-English glossaries, reference charts for each lesson, fun activities, and much more. As she walks students through important grammar, Natali H. Monnette helps junior high students towards reading “real” Latin by integrating adaptations and translations from the Vulgate, Roman history, fun original stories, and classical myths.
If you’re an older student wanting to advance from elementary studies or just to begin the study of Latin, Kraken Latin 1 was written for you.
This curriculum is perfect following any elementary program, such as the Latin Primer series by Martha Wilson.
The Books Package Includes:
Student Edition
Teacher Edition
Tests & Quizzes Packet
Free flashcards (available here)
Also available:
DVD Course
The complete Kraken Latin video course is available for streaming with a subscription to Canon+. Visit mycanonplus.com to learn more.
Free Samples:
Click here to download all thirty-two Student Quizzes for free!
Click here to download all four Student Unit Tests for free!
Click here to review all the flashcards for the entire year free!
Answers to quizzes and tests provided in the Teacher’s Edition.
“’Hail, emperor, they who are about to die salute you!’ Perhaps you are familiar with the Latin phrase quoted above. Suetonius, a Roman historian, recorded that captives and criminals uttered these words to Emperor Claudius just before they were forced to fight to the death in a mock naval battle.* And perhaps you, just as other Latin students before you, feel that these words appropriately describe your mental state as you approach this year of Latin! Some of you have never studied Latin before, and may be approaching this book with some trepidation. Some of you have already spent several years learning this language, and have the battle scars to prove it. Take courage. Although the study of Latin may seem daunting at times, you will survive and be all the better for it. I won’t pretend that Latin is easy for everyone, because—as with any other language—you will need to study hard in order to master it. This primer is the first in a series that will guide you through some major basics of Latin grammar. The goal is not merely to revel in these grammatical delights (although you are certainly welcome do so), but to equip you to translate and then read “real” Latin. And so welcome to Kraken Latin. Whether Latin feels like a battle or a journey, may you prosper in your endeavors!” -Natali H. Monnette
Natali H. Monnette received a B.A. in Classical Studies from the University of Idaho and a B.A. in Liberal Arts and Culture from New Saint Andrews College. She also earned an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Idaho focusing on Linguistics and Classical Languages. She currently teaches Latin to junior high kids in Wenatchee, WA, and she has also taught junior high and high school kids at Logos School and undergraduates at New Saint Andrews College, both in Moscow, ID. She and her husband Jess live in Wenatchee with their two children. Natali has a particular fondness for fairy tales, Virgil’s Aeneid, the Vulgate, and Nutella.
AUTHOR: Natali H. Monnette
PAGE COUNT: 378 pages
SIZE: 8.50x11.00″
ISBN 10: 1947644343
ISBN-13: 9781947644342
PUB. DATE: June 12, 2019
AUTHOR: Natali H. Monnette
PAGE COUNT: 494 pages
SIZE: 8.50x11.00″
ISBN 10: 1947644491
ISBN-13: 9781947644496
PUB. DATE: June 12, 2019
Tests & Quizzes:
PAGE COUNT: 84 pages
SIZE: 8.5x11“
ISBN 10: 1952410680
ISBN-13: 9781952410681
PUB. DATE: September 3, 2020
DVD Course:
TEACHER: Natali Monnette
PRODUCER: Canon Press
UPC-12: 763416272880
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