Why are the young people leaving the church? Maybe because we are trying to entertain them instead of make them mature Christian adults.
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Today, everybody seems to be trying desperately to reach out to young people in the church, even as they increasingly flee from it. This is largely because the church today does not expect what it ought to from children or their parents, and this can be attributed, at least in part, to a flawed concept of youth ministry. This need not, and should not, be so.
Brief but striking, this booklet by Dr. Chris Schlect traces the historical origins of present-day youth ministry and sifts through the people and ideas that contributed to its development. It also provides an honest, biblical starting place for discussing the nature and purpose of youth ministry. Above all, the intent of this booklet is to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.
You can also purchase this as an audiobook here, on audible,* on SCRIBD, and wherever audiobooks are sold.
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What People Are Saying:
“This was a surprising gem. If you take his thesis on generational interaction and run with it, this applies to many, many things more than just youth ministry. Succinct and important.” -Christopher
“Takes about 15 minutes to read and it’s straight to the point. Fathers and mothers are wholly responsible for bringing up children in godliness. If youth groups act as a surrogate we have gone terribly wrong.” -Aaron
Dr. Christopher Schlect, PhD in history, is a fellow of history and director of the graduate program in Classical and Christian Studies at New Saint Andrews College. He has also taught introductory and advanced courses in US history and Ancient Rome at Washington State University. He is the author of The Christian Worldview and Apologetics and an official history of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. He is also a teaching elder at Trinity Reformed Church in Moscow, Idaho. He and his wife, Brenda, have five children and one grandchild.
AUTHOR: Christopher Schlect
PAGE COUNT: 28 pages
SIZE: 5.50×8.50
ISBN 10: 188576703X
ISBN-13: 9781885767035
PUB. DATE: June 1, 1995
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