When it comes to false doctrines about the endtimes, we may be tempted to affirm the absolute opposite of every claim.
Look Inside the Book
Unfortunately, this opposite affirmation is often no less erroneous than the false doctrine against which it reacts. Most conservative Christians in the twentieth century have been obsessed with “the last days.” An extreme contrary answer to endtimes panic has recently emerged in the form of what C. Jonathin Seraiah terms “pantelism,” the view that all final events had taken place by the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D.70. With one feel swoop, this viewpoint eviscerates dispensationalism. Unfortunately, it also undermines orthodox Christianity.
What People Are Saying:
“In the present work, C. Jonathin Seraiah ferrets out the leading flaws of pantelism (the so called “consistent preterism”) and reinforces the accuracy of the orthodox understanding of eschatology-the future physical Second Advent of Christ, physical resurrection of just and unjust, and final judgment. The author shows that the leading biblical texts that pantelists employ to buttress their position do not in fact support it and that other texts flatly refute it. He observes, moreover, that pantelism is not a marginally flawed interpretation; rather, it subverts and restructures the Faith itself. This book is essential reading for those interested in a biblically grounded and historically informed eschatology.” -Andrew Sandlin, Center for Cultural Leadership
“Seraiah has provided us with an extremely helpful tool for exposing several of the leading doctrinal aberrations inherent in the recent pantelist or hyper-preterist movement.” -Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., author of Before Jerusalem Fell
PAGE COUNT: 208 pages
SIZE: 5.50×8.50″
BINDING: Paperback
ISBN-10: 1885767536
ISBN-13: 9781885767530
PUB. DATE: October 1, 1999
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