The Grace Agenda Conference
All of Christ, For All of Life, For All the World
The gospel is not just another app on the smart phone of your life. It is not a day-planner especially designed for booking up Sundays, or a useful tool for choosing smiley friends. The gospel is the Truth about this world and its Maker, and it explains and directs every breath you take. Every itch, every scratch, every word, every minute of every planetary twirl we call a day is filled with meaning by its proclamation. It is the Truth, and it is about everything. The grace of this Gospel is the agenda for life.
Masculinity and the Gospel | Mark Driscoll
Modern society is in the midst of a fatherhood and masculinity crisis and getting the Gospel right on this point is the only solution to the crisis. To do this we must understand the Gospel as the sort of message that demands that those who receive and present it be people who have a spine and understand its potency. This is a fundamental issue and affects everything from the integrity of our political leaders to the growth of modern atheism to the effectiveness of our evangelistic mission. Not to mention the health of our families.
Pomosexuality | Douglas Wilson
We live in a time when many of the older standards of “traditional morality” have come completely unstuck. Too many Christians think that this is just something that “happened,” that somebody “did,” and that if we get mobilized we can undo it. But this is actually a theological issue, a problem with our worship. There will be no return to biblical sexuality without a return to Jesus Christ.
The World and its Alternatives | N.D. Wilson
The universe is created, which means it is art. It exists in time, which means that it is narrative art. It encompasses every genre, both discovered and undiscovered, but all of it hangs within the frame of Comedy. Philosophers, poets, artists, scientists, and engineers notwithstanding there is only this strange and comic world — here it stands, and it can be no other.
Godlust | Ben Merkle
The flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But you are led by the Spirit . . . So act like it. The Manifesto for the Grace Agenda | Douglas Wilson It is too easy to think of grace as that “little extra” that gets us over the finish line. We do what we need to do, and God does the rest. But this is not grace at all, it is the heresy of the Galatians. If we want to counter it (as we should), we must learn to see that God’s grace is all of Christ, for all of life, for all the world.
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