Can Dad and the kids (and their pet lizard, Imogene) defeat the notorious Cloud Bandit?
And will they be able to clean up before Mom gets home?
Family playtime turns fantastical when sky pirates and unicorns and lightning sharks and T-Rexes come crashing into the living room.
Stuffed to the brim with imagination and cloud bandits, Dragon in a Dress portrays family play time at its best and messiest. You might start hearing calls for dwarf warriors and bat armies as your little knights and princesses emulate its wild imagination—while being sure to clean up the aftermath.
Look Inside the Book
Hannah Spuler is a picture book author living in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, six kids, and the occasional pet insect. She lives in a cheerful commotion of art projects, hearty laughter, and musical ventures. The mad clean-up dash is frequently employed, so don’t look in the laundry room. She is not afraid of dragons. Or cloud bandits.
Maegan Penley is a children’s illustrator who uses her art to find lightheartedness, adventure, and magic in everyday life. A graduate of Valdosta State University, she has been illustrating children’s picture books since 2013. She thrives on fresh air, rustling leaves, and golden sunshine on the treetops in the beautiful Georgia countryside where she resides. The antics of her husband and two boys are a perpetual source of inspiration for her illustrations.
AUTHOR: Hannah Spuler
ILLUSTRATOR: Maegan Penley
SIZE: 8.5×8.5″
ISBN-10: 1-95-790540-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-957905402
BINDING: Hardback
PUB. DATE: October 17, 2023
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