“Put two contrarians together and shake well.”
Look Inside the Book
The gloves come off in this electric exchange, originally hosted by Christianity Today, as leading atheist Christopher Hitchens (author of God Is Not Great) and Christian apologist Douglas Wilson (author of Letter from a Christian Citizen) go head-to-head on this divisive question. The result is entertaining and provocative—a glimpse into the ongoing debate.
What People Are Saying:
“This is a joyful book. Both men clearly love the subject, love wrestling with it and each other, and do so with an evident—and expressed—sense of gratitude. Whatever side of the debate you align yourself with, my guess is that you find that as refreshing as I do, given how joyless so much of the discourse on both sides of this debate tends to be.” -Jonah Goldberg, author of Liberal Fascism (from the foreword)
“Christopher Hitchens, one of the world’s great polemicists—he’s taken on Mother Teresa and Kissinger—emerges as the latest, and most eloquently effective, religious debunker.” -Martin Levin, The Globe and Mail
“That’s the question Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson debated recently at Christianity Today. I expected Hitchens to win the debate while disagreeing with his position. I was wrong on both counts. By the end of the debate, the question had narrowed down to: Can any moral propositions be affirmed without affirming theism?” -Ramesh Ponneru, National Review
“Put two contrarians together and shake well.” –Christianity Today
Watch the trailer for the film version HERE
AUTHORS: Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson
PAGE COUNT: 67 pages
SIZE: 5.50×8.50
PAPERBACK ISBN 10: 1591280699
PAPERBACK ISBN-13: 9781591280699
HARDBACK ISBN-10: 1591280532
HARDBACK ISBN-13: 9781591280538
PUB. DATE: September 2, 2008
Note: the barcode on the hardback is marked out.
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