“Men were made to rule. They always have and always will. Nothing can change that. Nothing will. It is not a question of whether men will be ruling, but which ones and how.” ~From It’s Good to Be a Man
Look Inside the Group Discussion Study Guide
Our modern society has called for us to “smash the patriarchy,” and the church has not done much better.
Instead of telling men how they can hone and refine their aggressive traits, the church has told men that they should aspire to be meek servant-leaders, and when a man shows any signs of independence, he is shown the door.
This leaves most young men lost. They don’t know what to do or how to improve, so they watch Jordan Peterson videos on YouTube to learn how to grow in their masculinity and sense of mission.
In this book, Michael Foster and Bnonn Tennant remind men that their natural aggressive instincts are gifts from God that are meant to be used for the kingdom. Men are supposed to found households, join brotherhoods, and work towards a mission.
It’s Good to Be A Man offers men a quick guide to where they are and how they can improve.
God made men to be strong and aggressive risk-takers. This is a feature, not a bug. Foster and Tennant remind us that it’s good to be a man.
This Study Guide includes chapter summaries, 3-6 questions for discussion and practical application, and recommended Scripture passages to study and consider. Perfect for small groups or Bible studies.
Purchase the book here.
What People Are Saying
“This book is an exercise in moderate extremism, or perhaps you might want to call it radical moderation…. This book is a careful, balanced, scriptural look at the task that God has assigned to men, and is a celebration of God’s good wisdom. And God is willing to give men the grace and ability to do what they were created and called to do—so men should make sure that they know what they are asking for. This is not possible apart from looking to Scripture for our answers. A man is not a deficient woman, and a woman is not a deficient man. God’s calling and God’s gifting line up. This book is highly recommended—for pastors, for parents, for teachers. If you have young men in your life, this book is essential.” ~Douglas Wilson
“a book that every man should read, especially Christian men striving to become godly patriarchs with genuine, righteous gravitas.” ~Hard Men Podcast
Michael Foster is a serial entrepreneur who has been in bi-vocational ministry the better part of his adult life. God has blessed him with a beautiful wife and seven children. He is the pastor of East River Church (CREC) in Batavia just outside Cincinnati, and co-hosts the It’s Good to Be a Man podcast.
Dominic Bnonn Tennant has a background in writing, design, apologetics, and theology. He lives in New Zealand with his wife and four children, works freelance as a copywriter and web designer, and likes learning to build things.
Look Inside the Group Discussion Study Guide
AUTHOR: Canon Press
BINDING: Perfect Bound
SIZE: 5.5×8.5″
ISBN 10: 1954887477
ISBN-13: 9781954887473
PUB. DATE: February 4, 2022
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