The best stories subtly weave themes and characters and symbols into a stunning final tapestry. In this Canon Press bestseller, Leithart shows that the Bible is the best story.
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For many Christians, sadly, the Old Testament is merely a jumble of moralistic stories and weird rituals, genealogies, and historical chronicles. What is the point of it all, and what does it have to do with Jesus?
In this short and readable book, Leithart gives a sweeping overview of the Bible, its stories, and the patterns and symbols that recur throughout it, highlighting the ways many of the little stories look forward to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Himself.
Although the book is lots of fun, the lessons it teaches are far from trivial. The Gospels say again and again Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament. Christians need to learn to read the Old Testament the way Jesus and the Apostles read it, so that we can delight in the word of God and encounter Him in its stories. This book can be read easily by high school students and includes review questions for anyone who wants to use it in their curriculum. However, it will also give anyone familiar with Scripture much to think about. “And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Lk 24:27).
For a book with answers to the discussion questions, click here.
This book can be purchased as an audiobook here or on Audible.*
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What People Are Saying:
“One of the most important lessons any Christian reader of the Old Testament must learn in order to truly understand its message is its connection to the New Testament. Jesus himself said that the whole Old Testament looked forward to his coming suffering and glorification (Luke 24:25-27, 44-48), but it is surprising how many ignore this crucial principle of interpretation. Peter Leithart has written A House for My Name with that lesson in mind. He not only gives us a first-class introduction to the Old Testament in the context of its own time, but he also shows how all the Scriptures point to the ultimate object of our faith Jesus Christ. I strongly recommend this book.” -Tremper Longman III, author of Making Sense of the Old Testament
“This Old Testament survey effectively calls evangelicals to repent of their rejection of ‘externals’ such as rituals, ceremonies and institutions. It contends that the typical evangelical view of the Old Testament is eerily similar to that of old-time liberalism, even though evangelicalism has always defined itself in opposition to such perspectives.” –The Dallas Morning News
“Families can deepen their understanding of the beauty and connectedness of God’s story of His covenantal relationship with His people.” –The Presbyterian Witness
“So many evangelicals don’t know what to do with the Old Testament, and they’re missing out on so much!” -Alastair Roberts, author of Echoes in Exodus
“A great introduction to Old Testament Biblical Theology.” -Steven Wedgeworth
Peter Leithart (PhD, Cambridge) is President of Theopolis Institute in Birmingham, Alabama and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. He is the author of numerous books on theology and literature, including The Baptized Body, Against Christianity, Brightest Heaven of Invention, and Ascent to Love. He has also authored articles in journals such as Pro Ecclesia, Journal of Biblical Literature, Westminster Theological Journal, and First Things. Peter and his wife Noel have ten children and a fetching collection of grandchildren.
PAGE COUNT: 304 pages
SIZE: 5.50×8.50″
ISBN 10: 1885767692
ISBN-13: 9781885767691
PUB. DATE: June 20, 2000
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