Dear White Boy, has this thought ever occurred to you in the winter cold?
We need more white babies, less white boys dumber with vainglory or white guilt.
- More food catholics broad as the supper of the Lamb, less feinschmeckers and seed oil fussbudgets. Swallow Confessions of a Food Catholic whole knowing you may still outrun your enemies in taking over your city and growing your empire (and that’s from their POV).
- More making Jews jealous of God flooding American milk and honey on our heads, less envy of a bronze age nation taking sundry peaks and valleys of the West ahead of you. Read American Milk and Honey until you bleed Bibline and risk being called a philosemite for simply trusting and obeying your still Jewish Lord of the Hebrews and Gentiles.
- More gratitude for your blessed privileges, less racial guilt that makes you easier to bait. Get Skin and Blood in your veins.
- More of the high mountain air from Romans and Revelation, less viper pits and mythmaking with “kings” who are terminally online and dropping their geldling crowns. Pastoral commentaries on Romans and Revelation may set you on the heights, as it may for all those lowly in spirit toward the Lord.
Unless you’re a Fed, you are welcome in these books to cross a bridge where more is happening all year round.
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