Watch the video below to see what’s inside the video courses.
Logic can be your secret weapon.
Our easy-to-read layout comes with summaries, key points, definitions, and cautions so you learn and keep an understanding of logic.
It’s the tool for learning how to use other tools.
It’s the bones that give a clenched fist its structure (and knuckles).
Introductory Logic is perfect for Grade 7+ students, teachers, and parents who’ve never tackled syllogisms or fallacies before. It provides a semester or year’s worth of logic to help you detect and deflect flawed or deceitful arguments and to think, debate, and argue well.
The complete Introductory Logic video course is available for streaming with a subscription to Canon+. Visit to learn more.
Inside Introductory Logic
- Introductory Logic helps you
- Control the debate by defining your terms, because “He who defines the terms wins the debate.” (Unit 1—Terms and Definitions)
- Think logically when you can write true and false statements. (Unit 2—Statements and Their Relationships)
- Disprove invalid arguments when you know the rules of a valid argument. (Unit 3—Syllogisms and Validity)
- Interpret and expose an argument’s logic hiding in normal English. (Unit 4—Arguments in Normal English)
- Detect when someone else is arguing badly with distraction, ambiguity, or form. (Unit 5—Informal Fallacies)
- Student Edition
- 40 lessons covering formal and informal logic
- sidebars with definitions, key points, cautions, further study, activities for thinking deeper, and historical information
- perforated pages with practice exercises
- Teacher’s Edition
- a daily lesson schedule for completing Introductory Logic in a semester or a year-long course.
- answers to all exercises, review questions, review exercises, quizzes, and tests in the order they are taught.
- contains the entire Student Edition text—with the same page numbers as the Student Edition! No more flipping back and forth between answer keys and textbook.
- daily lesson plans with step-by-step teaching advice, objectives, and assignments
- Video Courses
- expanded lessons and examples for independent students or a teacher’s prep
- animations and visual cues
- veteran teacher Brian Kohl teaches through every lesson and practice test to help independent students or teachers who need to prepare
- Tests & Quizzes
- quizzes every two or three lessons (not just tests)
- two versions of each test for extra practice
- answers in 5th Ed. Intro Teacher
- looseleaf, hole-punched, resealable packets to prevent copying
- Samples
- Student Edition
- Teacher Edition
- Tests and Quizzes
- DVD Course
- Click here to download the most up to date errata sheet
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