What do you want most for your kids?
A good job? A happy marriage? A long and healthy life? Perfect attendance at every holiday? A life without enemies? David and Esther and Job are not impressed. Some of God’s favorite characters offer us a different vision: make your children count.
In this book, the goal for parents is not to keep them forever, but instead, to raise the kind of men and women who know what to do when Goliaths, tyrants, and hurricanes descend. What will your family legacy be?
Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and a grandfather of many. He is the author of over a hundred books, including Reforming Marriage, Future Men, and Why Children Matter.
PUBLISHER: Canon Press
PAGE COUNT: 136 pages
SIZE: 5.5×8.5
BINDING: Hardback
ISBN 10: 1-59128-136-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-59128-136-8
PUB. DATE: November 19, 2024
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