Liturgical Bedlam
Annual Ministerial Conference (1996)
“That Protestantism in this great Christian realm is down with a wasting disease must be obvious to every amateur of ghostly pathology. One half of it is moving, with slowly accelerating speed, in the direction of the Harlot of the Seven Hills: the other is sliding down into voodooism. The former carries the greater part of Protestant libido. What remains in the middle may be likened to a torso without either brains to think with or legs to dance.”-H.L. Mencken
Examining the state of worship in today’s Church, these speakers present a better option than what commonly passes as reverent liturgy. Striking both the fluffiness of modern Evangelicalism and the rigidity of Some Reformed practices, the speakers lay sound foundations for the reverent adoration of the Lord of Hosts. Customers should note that the recordings of lectures three, four, six, and eight end before the talk officially wraps up and, since the conference happened in the nineties, the audio quality is significantly lower than in most of our audio materials. The following topics are included in this set:
1. The Happy Clappy Church in Crisis – Douglas Wilson
2. Spontaneous Combustion: Roots of Spontaneity as Virtue – Douglas Jones
3. Fourth Rate Music & Third Rate Lyrics – Roy Atwood
4. Formal & Informal: Dead or Alive – Douglas Wilson
5. Liturgy and the Body of Christ – Christopher Schlect
6. Sabbath Celebration – Douglas Jones
7. The Purpose of Worship – Roy Atwood
8. The Regulative Principle Critiqued – Douglas Wilson
9. The Regulative Principle Applied – Douglas Wilson
10. Images, Idols, and Culture – Douglas Jones
11. The Heart of Liturgy: The Proclamation of the Word – Douglas Wilson
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