How does life in each room of your home manifest the Gospel?
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The Ninth Book in the Family Series
The Gospel should teach us to say “my life for yours.” Our desire should be to have this love transform everything we do, room by room. This book works its way through every part of the house, examining each part in light of Scripture. The claims of God are always total, and this should be evident on the doorposts and in a sink full of dishes. Self-centeredness destroys in monotonously similar ways.
Giving up life for another produces a harvest of kindness and mercy. Household questions should always begin with, “Is this my life for yours?” This book is part of Douglas Wilson’s series of books on the family, which has helped many people trying to deal with the everyday messes that come with sinners trying to live under the same roof. This book on the household covers everything from the living room to the entertainment center to the bathroom, considering the temptations that go with it, and the ways the house can truly be a blessing to those who live in it.
What People Are Saying:
“If you only buy one of Wilson’s family books, this is the one to get.” -Steven Wedgeworth, The Calvinist International
“This is one of my favorite books!” -Erin
“My husband and I have been married for 20 years this coming August, and both of us were raised in semi-chauvinistic homes. Because of that, neither of us really knew what was healthy and biblically correct when it came to marriage and roles and submission and areas of responsibility. Until now…. My husband and I are reading one chapter aloud together each night and discussing it. What used to become a heated discussion is now a loving one. Wow wow wow!” -Lori
“This book has led me to view what I do and what I say differently. Before doing something or saying something that involves another person, I ought to ask the question: ‘Is this ‘my life for yours’?” -Bryan
Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Decluttering Your Marriage, Future Men, and How to Exasperate Your Wife.
AUTHOR: Douglas Wilson
PAGE COUNT: 166 pages
SIZE: 5.50×8.50
BINDING: Paperback
ISBN 10: 1885767900
ISBN-13: 9781885767905
PUB. DATE: January 1, 2004
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