Redeeming Grace Conference 1997
Putting the Reformation “Solas” in Perspective: An Apologetic for Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide
Many Roman and Eastern critics of Protestantism (Hahn, Madrid, Sungenis) charge that the Reformation solas are unbiblical and unhistorical. Unlike many Protestant responses, these four lectures aim to deal carefully with the objections and how they often rest on either modern or Hellenistic assumptions. Hosted at Redeeming Grace Covenant Church (OPC), Laguna Hills, CA. The following topics are included in this set:
1. Sola, Solo, or Prima Scriptura?
2. Evaluating Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Challenges to Sola Scriptura
3. Hellenistic or Covenantal Justification?
4. Evaluating Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Challenges to Justification
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