Dan Barker debates Douglas Wilson:
Should Religion and Government Be Separate?
Dan Barker and Douglas Wilson clash head-to-head on morality, the state, religion, and the tense relationship between the two.Please Note: We no longer sell the original debate (held in 2002) due to the poor quality of the audio recording.Dan Barker is an atheist apologist and a contributing editor for Freethought Today. A former Christian evangelist, musician, and missionary, he has been actively involved in speaking and writing against religion and was the PR director for the Freedom from Religion Foundation from 1987 to 2004. He is the author of two autobiographies and has released two albums of anti-religious music.Douglas Wilson is pastor of Christ Church (Moscow, ID) and editor of Credenda/Agenda magazine. He is also the author of “Reformed” Is Not Enough, Letter from a Christian Citizen, and Reforming Marriage. He has also played a prominent role as one of the foremost defenders of the Christian faith by going head-to-head with noted atheist Christopher Hitchens in Is Chrstianity Good for the World?, a debate originally hosted online by Christianity Today. He and his wife Nancy have three grown children and mounds of grandkids.
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