Times may change, and pirates may change their tack, but the Monroe boys always seem driven to the sea…
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When John Monroe saves a mother and daughter from the clutches of a rogue English soldier, he is thrust into a world of intrigue and espionage. It’s the height of the French and Indian war. In possession of a letter that exposes British troop movements, John must race to deceive the French before the rogue soldier can catch up to him and provide the actual intelligence the French need.
Douglas Wilson’s maritime series follows the adventures of the Monroe family from the eighteenth century through modern times. Times may change, and pirates may change their tack, but the Monroe boys always seem driven to the sea…
Canonball Books is the children’s imprint of Canon Press. At Canonball, we believe stories are soul food, so you can expect excitement, danger, loyalty, virtue, and family in your Canonball books. Feed your kids the right books!
From the Book
When he had made his way about a mile toward the water, he began asking for directions to The Golden Sextant. The first three people he asked had no idea, and the fourth thought it was somewhere near the “old Presbyterian church.” Every block or so John would ask again, and finally he found someone who gave him some clear directions, somewhat confidently.
John caught a glimpse of a golden sextant hanging above the street before he could make out the words. As he walked up to the front door of the tavern—for it was a tavern—he naively thought that he would meet the women, receive their proper thanks, and then make his way back to the ship, his small adventure concluded. He had never been so completely wrong in his life. –from the book
Douglas Wilson is a pastor in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of numerous books, including Beowulf: A New Verse Rendering, Why Children Matter, and What I Learned in Narnia.
PAGE COUNT: 110 pages
SIZE: 5.5×8.5
ISBN 10: 1954887435
ISBN-13: 9781954887435
PUB. DATE: April 4, 2023 (edition: 2nd)
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