Working Toward Reformation
Annual Ministerial Conference (1995)
“The restoration of the Church is the work of God and no more depends on the hopes and opinions of men, than the resurrection of the dead, or any other miracle.” -John Calvin
A healthy Church is central to cultural reformation, yet much of contemporary evangelicalism languishes defeated and impotent. If we are to work toward further reformation, we must first reform ourselves according to God’s Word. Only after doing this may we go about the work of reforming others. All three speakers, therefore, speak openly about the sins within contemporary Reformed theology in attempts to make it a healthy, potent theology for continued reformation in our day. The following topics are included in this set:
1. The Inevitability of Reformation – Douglas Wilson
2. Antithesis: The Meaning of Constant, Total War – Douglas Jones
3. No Creed, No Christ, No Service – Roy Atwood
4. The Zeal of Jehu & Reformation Balance – Douglas Wilson
5. Reforming Intercessory Prayer – Douglas Wilson
6. Critique of Roman & Eastern Conceptions of the Church – Douglas Jones
7. One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic – Roy Atwood
8. Ministerial Character in the Home – Douglas Jones
9. How to Be a Puritan Yahoo – Douglas Wilson
10. The Hijacked Reformation and Our Anabaptist Establishment – Douglas Jones
11. The Church and the Forgotten Art of Earthshaking – Roy Atwood
12. Dealing with Opposition to Reformation – Douglas Wilson
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